Birth Services

Birth Story
With Jaely Turner, CBSL
It's never too late to transform the way in which we hold our birth stories in our hearts.

Since the act of giving birth
is a major rite of passage,
we need the space to unpack its story.

Throughout the childbearing year, you crossed invisible, unexpected personal thresholds. With each crossing, you entered new territory, the Unknown, which was unknowable before living through your rite of passage. But, because birth is a rite of passage, there was likely at least one unexpected moment during your ordeal that left you feeling shocked, confused, betrayed, ashamed, or powerless.
Many people think tincture of time, trying to brush it off, or telling their story over and over is enough. Although these strategies might bring temporary relief, what is often needed is having your story deeply explored in a completely different way. To have a transformation it's necessary for you to realize that the unwished-for moment was an inevitable part of your soulful initiation.
Our time together
cannot change what happened,
but it is carefully designed around
your unique story.
Birth Story Medicine Sessions take place via Zoom.
They are private, confidential, and about one hour long.
Your session will require single-minded focus—to get the most out of it, please arrange childcare.
Making time to intentionally process the birth of your child can be very healing.
This is true of all births, and not just those that are seen as traumatic.
How does this differ from therapy?
In a few ways. Birth Story Listeners are not only trauma-informed, but we know the birth process intimately, along with its variations. Having the additional insights can be very helpful, especially when gaps in understanding are a part of the picture.
That being said, Birth Story Medicine can stand alone, but has also shown to be a wonderful supplement to talk therapy, if that is something you have already invested in! Many folks report being able to make very meaningful progress after just one Birth Story Medicine Session.
How many sessions will I need?
Another way that Birth Story Medicine differs from traditional talk therapy is that the process is potent enough that most folks only need 1-2 sessions (60-75 minutes each) to get what they need, whereas talk therapy is often a lengthier (and pricier) commitment.
Whether your birth happened a few months or many years ago,
Birth Story Medicine provides a safe space to explore your birth story
in new ways.
"Birth Story Medicine
is an uplifting and guided process
that brings insight, resolution, and healing."
-Pam England-
Like a soothing balm, this process will help you find what you need to create healing,
along with the
freedom to move forward
in your life with greater ease
and an open heart.
Whether they were empowering or traumatic, our birth stories stay with us
through life and parenthood.

Are you ready to transform your story?
It would be my honor to hold space for your process.